Every March 6th is National Dentist’s Day. If you don’t already have it labeled in your calendar, now is a great time to do so! While this holiday may not sound like the kind of thing you celebrate, it’s important to take the time to acknowledge all that dentists do. Read on to learn more about what National Dentist’s Day is as well as why you should celebrate it.
Dentistry may seem like a fairly new profession, but the first dentist in recorded history dates back to 2600 BCE. He was a man named Hesy Ra who was thought to have lived and practiced dentistry in Egypt. However, it wasn’t until the 1720s when the French surgeon Pierre Fauchard, who is known as the “Father of Modern Dentistry,” began to practice his craft.
As the field continued to grow and expand, National Dentist’s Day was eventually created as a way of honoring all that dentists do to help us take care of our smiles. This day also acts as a way to emphasize the importance of taking care of your smile at home, which is a great way to show your dentist that their hard work is appreciated.
Along with brushing twice and flossing once per day to keep your pearly whites looking their best, there are several other ways to celebrate National Dentist’s Day, including:
As you can see, National Dentist’s Day is a great time to show your oral health professionals how much you appreciate everything they do. Not only do they help you maintain a healthy mouth, but they can also give you the resources you need to have a lovely, brag-worthy smile!
Dr. Bo Crofoot and his team of Rexburg oral health professionals at Cornerstone Dental take pride in offering patients the safe, comfortable oral health care they need to maintain healthy, happy smiles. They administer anything from simple checkups and cleanings to cosmetic treatments to restorative procedures to repair your damaged smile and get your pearly whites back on track. Are you interested in learning more about their various oral health services or do you want to schedule a consultation? If so, call Cornerstone Dental at (208) 754-5388 or visit their website to begin your journey towards a more beautiful smile.
44 S Center St Suite B,
Rexburg, ID, ID, 83440
Email: smiles@drbodental.com
Phone: (208) 656-3008
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